4th Sunday of Advent – Dec. 18, 2022

4th Sunday of Advent – Dec. 18, 2022

Adv4A22.   Isaiah 7:10-14.   God is offering hope to his threatened people by promising them a sign that he is actively with them in their struggles.  Judah’s king Ahaz had not learned to live in a state of dependence upon the Lord and so he rejects the Lord’s offer of a sign of his active presence with his people.  Despite Ahaz’s negativity, the Prophet Isaiah responses, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel.” Matthew 1:18-24.   Joseph was chosen by God to be the earthly fatherly caretaker of Jesus, begotten of Mary by the Holy Spirit.  Matthew’s Gospel proclaims: “All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel’, which means “God is with us.”  The angel or messenger of the Lord delivered the Lord’s command that Joseph take Mary into his home as his wife.  Joseph obeyed.  Jesus, God made man, is the fulfillment of “God is with us.”

Romans 1:1-7.  Paul enslaves himself to Jesus, which is to say, he gives himself over to belong totally to Jesus and Jesus’ will for him. Paul recognizes that Jesus called him to bring the Gentiles to “the obedience of faith” in Jesus.  Paul sees Jesus as an earthly descendant of David and also, as a person of heaven sent to call the people of this earth to heaven.  Through Jesus we are enabled or graced to belong to Jesus as was Paul.