Adv4C19. Isaiah 7:10-14. Through Isaiah God tells Ahaz to ask for a miraculous sign from the heavens but Ahaz refuses to obey God’s Will. This upsets Isaiah who nonetheless promises a future sign from God. “The virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel.”
Matthew 1:18-24. God chooses to become a creature of this earth without losing his divinity to one day redeem us from our sins. The Creator creates the Redeemer to give us sinners a path to heaven. In the Incarnation and Nativity God begins his act of salvation of humanity despite the great cost to him but because of his great love for us. This is the plan of God the Father to whom Jesus is obedient.
Romans 1:1-7. At the beginning of his letter to the Romans, Paul identifies himself by his relationship to Jesus. Once again obedience to God’s love for us is central to the person Paul has chosen to be. He passes on that same call to the gentiles who likewise “are called to belong to Jesus Christ.” Salvation belongs to all who belong to and are obedient to the Will of God.