Adv 1A 11/23/16
Isaiah 2:1-5. God will to establish his dominion over this earth. All peoples will come to him to be instructed in his ways and walk in his paths. No longer shall nations war against one another. He shall rule over all the nations and all will be subject to him.
Matthew 24:37-44. In Noah’s time people went about their daily routine, not knowing that some would suddenly be saved and some lost. Likewise, one day unknown to anyone Jesus will come, taking his own to himself and leaving the rest behind. Since we know neither the hour nor the day when Jesus will come the second time, we must always be prepared for him.
Romans 13:11-14. The routine of this earthly world can put us to sleep to the things of the heavenly world. “It is the hour now for you to awake from sleep. For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” “Let us then throw off the works of darkness,” the improper “desires of the flesh” and “put on the armor of light” that is the Lord Jesus Christ.