17th Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 30, 2023

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 30, 2023

17A23.     1 Kings 3:5, 7-12.    Solomon asks God for an understanding heart so to be able to judge right from wrong in his duty in governing God’s people.  God was pleased with Solomon’s choice to enable him to carry his God-given responsibility of governing God’s People.   To have the right and proper desires and affections in our hearts enables our mind to think of and organize what is best for us to do and act upon.  Only God has the capacity to truly assist us to ‘get it right’.

Matthew 13:44-52.  In this week’s and last week’s gospel Jesus instructs his disciples in the way they needed to organize their thoughts and hearts to live as people who live by the ways of the kingdom of heaven rather than the ways of this world.  Earth is a world where we go day by day meeting our daily needs as they arise.  Heaven is a world where everything belongs to God and God belongs to us out of his love for us.  God is the “treasure buried in a field,” the “pearl of great price.”  If we have God, we have it all forever.  If we do not have God, we are in hell.

Romans 8:28-30.  “Brother and sisters: We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”  The Holy Spirit is always working within us who believe in God, moving us to draw ever always closer to God our Father.   God our Creator made us to live gloriously with him.