Our Address/Directions
GPS Address: 901 N. Dupont St; Wilmington, DE 19805 (Intersections: W. 9th or W. 10th St @ N. DuPont or N. Lincoln St.)
Email: [email protected] Facebook: facebook.com/stanthonysfestival Twitter: @stanthonyswilm Phone: 302.421.2790
Free Secure Parking at Salesianum School
Continuous shuttle service between Salesianum School and the Festival grounds (10th & DuPont Streets) from 30 minutes prior to opening through 30 minutes after closing daily.
PARKING LOCATION DETAIL : Parking will be in the gravel lot across W. 18th Street from Salesianum, between Little League Field and Abessino Stadium. Look for signage. Bus will pickup and drop off on 18th St. near entrance to lot and run continuously to Festival grounds (10th & DuPont Sts.)
We Welcome Group Trips & Tours!
The Festival features convenient bus group drop-off and pickup at 10th & Scott Streets, with convenient and secure bus parking available at our secure off-site parking at Salesianum School.
Please contact the Festival office via email to inform us of your planned trip.
Festival Gear!
Returning for 2024: Stylish, high quality clothing items and related goods, produced by Stitch In Time. Order here (or on the Festival Eventbrite site), both secure sites, for pickup at the Festival at the Stitch in Time stand near W. 9th & N. Scott St. near St. Anthony’s Grade School.