33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Nov. 14, 2021

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Nov. 14, 2021

33B21.      Daniel 12:1-3.   This seems to have been written at a time when the pagan emperor Antiochus IV was cruelly attempting to force the Jews to give up Judaism and worship in his religion.  Daniel looks into the future to predict a cataclysmic event when those who remained faithful to Judaism would be rewarded eternally and those who apostatized would end in everlasting horror.

Mark 13:24-32.   Being made aware of the future enables us to live wisely in the present.  Jesus tells his Apostles that the earthly powers of that day would one day be destroyed and the victorious eternal power of God vested in him would be revealed.  “And then they will see ‘the son of man coming in the clouds’ with great power and glory, and then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of the sky.”  Jesus will come on the last day of this material universe to claim those who lived their lives in obedience to him and leave the rest behind.  To prepare for his coming at the end of the world is to live now each and every day in the Lord.

Hebrews 10:11-14, 18.  The Old Testament priests had to offer sacrifices frequently because their daily sacrifices were not sufficient to take away sins and so needed to be repeated.  Jesus’ sacrifice of himself as an act of love for us was done only once and was sufficient for all eternity.  So great and so wondrous is the love that Jesus had and still has for us.