Nativity of the Lord – Dec. 25, 2022

Nativity of the Lord – Dec. 25, 2022

XmasA22.  Isaiah readings.   The Hebrew people were threatened and battered by powerful armies.  His People had all too often not been faithful to their Lord.  Isaiah tells God’s People that God is with them.  He is the Almighty God who will use his might for them.

Matthew 1 & Luke 2.  Divinity enters into humanity by becoming one of us.  Mary, representing all of humanity, agrees to act as the portal through which the divine takes on humanness.  Divinity, without forsaking divinity, embraces the fullness of humanity by becoming a helpless baby.  In his profound acceptance of the lowliness of infancy, Jesus is pointing to the far greater subjection of his suffering and death on the cross, offering up himself to redeem us from our sins.  This world glories in its earthly power but Jesus shows his glory by the depths of his love.

John 1:14.  “And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.”